Book Review – Irradiated by S. Elliot Brandis.

Irradiated (The Tunnel Trilogy, #1)Irradiated by S. Elliot Brandis

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Irradiated is about Jade and Pearl. Two sisters fighting for survival in a post-apocalyptic world. Pearl is different, she has a mutation. When Jade comes home to find Pearl missing one day, she sets out to find her.

The Cover: The cover has a good clean font, but I’m not overly fond of the image. While it may give some readers the idea of a post-apocalyptic/dystopian novel, It doesn’t really work for me other than to provoke a feeling of the tone of the book.

The Good Stuff: The book is well written and has some great characters. The world is dark and gritty and S.Elliot Brandis sure knows how to create a mean antagonist! I thought the story had an original element to it that I personally haven’t seen in post apocalyptic stories before.

The Bad Stuff: This is a dark world with some mean characters and yet for some reason I felt it was more suited to a YA audience.

This is an original story with some great characters. The author has created a savage world and he has a way with words that makes it a thoroughly enjoyable read. Some readers will absolutely love this book, but as it felt like it was for a younger audience and Post-apocalyptic Dystopian stories are not my favourite Genre, I’m giving it a sun-scorched 3 out of 5 Golden bookmarks.

Allan Walsh writes Fantasy and Horror. If you’re looking for something new to read in these genres, why not check out his books here. You can also find his titles available in libraries.

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