Book Review – The Salvation of Yellow by William J. Grant.

The Salvation of Yellow (NSR: The Silence, #1)The Salvation of Yellow by William J. Grant

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

In the interests of full disclosure, I would like to note that William J. Grant is a friend of mine. Even so, I believe that this is my unbiased and honest opinion of his book – The Salvation of Yellow.

In The Salvation of Yellow, we follow the story of Kayley, a thief that steals memories from dead-gods’ and sells them on the black market. Her own memories are limited, even those of the ones she has loved. Kayley is forced to take a job she doesn’t want when her fence refuses to trade with her, unless she helps him.

The Cover: I really like this cover, though it speaks more of a mystery to me than a fantasy novel and I feel it may attract the wrong audience for this story.

The Good Stuff: I loved the characters in this story and it is original and creative. I get a manga vibe from it, a sort of Aeon Flux on acid vibe. There are some good, well constructed sentences that give great descriptions of the characters, the world, and what is going on. The story is a little out there, but if you are after something interesting and new that’s a little bit crazy, you will enjoy this book. I would love to see this as a graphic novel.

The Bad Stuff: First up, I had a problem with the names of the Triple Gods of Death – D, Ea and Th. I get the idea behind them, but trying to pronounce the names in my head every time I came across them detracted from my reading experience. I know this won’t bother some people, but for me, it was hard to overcome. I also have to admit that I got lost a couple of times while reading this book. One minute I’m chugging along knowing what’s happening and then POW… I had no idea what was going on! The story seemed to jump for me, whether I just didn’t get it or if some connecting sentence had vanished, I don’t rightly know, but I got a little confused in places.

Overall I enjoyed the story, but it was not an smooth read for me. I didn’t get drawn in and carried away on the undercurrent of words, rather I was tossed around a little when a wave of confusion struck me and dragged me along the surface.

I’m giving this book a mind bending 3 out of 5 golden bookmarks.

Allan Walsh writes Fantasy and Horror. If you’re looking for something new to read in these genres, why not check out his books here. You can also find his titles available in libraries.

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