Have You Found Your Halloween Read Yet?

Hello Readers,

Halloween, All-Hallows-Eve, Samhain, what ever you call it, it is almost upon us. It is a night renowned for spooky happenings, scary sights, and frightening tales. It is a time where the boundary between the spirit world and the physical world can more easily be crossed. Making it a night where ghosts are more likely to come visit. This is any true horror readers dream night to get stuck into a scary tale. So what have you chosen to read? Something a little frightening? Something a bit Gorey? or something that will plain old scare the pants off you and have you hiding under your covers all night?

If you haven’t found anything yet, why not check out one of my short horror tales listed below:

Low Life
Easy Prey
Making Magic
Darkness in Shadows

And here’s a little book trailer I’ve resurrected from the past to whet your appetite:

Allan Walsh writes Fantasy and Horror. If you’re looking for something new to read in these genres, why not check out his books here.

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