Book Review – How To Be A Writer: Secrets from the Inside by Stewart Ferris.

How to Be a Writer: Secrets from the InsideHow To Be A Writer: Secrets from the Inside

by Stewart Ferris

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

How To Be A Writer: Secrets from the Inside by Stewart Ferris is a non-fiction title that provides information, tips and techniques on the craft of writing.

The Cover: This cover fits the non-fiction genre and clearly defines what the book is about.

The Good Stuff: There is some great information in this book and it is written in a plain, down to earth style that makes it easy to read. The author is open and clearly conveys his sound knowledge of each of the topics covered. This would be a great book for someone just starting out as a writer. For the seasoned writer, you will not gain as much, you may learn something new or you may not, but at the least I would say you will gain some inspiration or a reminder of something you have let your focus slip from.

The Bad Stuff: There really isn’t anything bad to say about this book. As mentioned in the good stuff, if you are an experienced writer, I doubt that you will gain much from this book, but the experienced writer is not the target audience. So, if this is you, do not expect anything new or ground-breaking, look for the one or two tips, some inspiration or a refresh of something you’ve loosened your grip on.

Overall, if I were new to writing, this would be a welcomed addition to my bookshelf. As a writer with some experience, I still found some value in this book, therefore, I’m giving this one a pen pushing 4 out of 5 golden bookmarks.

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Allan Walsh writes Fantasy and Horror. If you’re looking for something new to read in these genres, why not check out his books here. You can also find his titles available in libraries. 

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