Hello Readers,
Here is a quick post to tell you that I just got back from a trip to Canada, and ‘Wow’, what a great country! The people are friendly, the scenery is beautiful, and they have some great beer.
It has become a bit of a thing for me now to visit libraries wherever I go and grab some photos. So here are a few pictures of the Grande Biblioteque in Montreal and the Vancouver Public Library, Vancouver that I took on my phone:

The Grande Biblioteque is massive, and I love that they have a big collection of graphic novels.

The VPL has a staggering 9 floors, it is huge. They even have a few sound-proof music studios in the library with an electronic drum kit, recording equipment, and related software.
I also have some photos of a modern library in a church, and an old colonial English library in a former prison found in Quebec. But, these are on my camera and I need to transfer them and convert them to JPEG files, so I will save those for another time.
Happy Reading!
Allan Walsh writes Fantasy and Horror. If you’re looking for something new to read in these genres, why not check out his books here.