I am a fantasy/horror writer and do not usually stray from these genres when I read. I still appreciate authors in other genres though, and when I went for a stroll around Brisbane city today and stumbled across this.
A Matthew Riley book signing. The queue was at least 500 meters long and wound its way down the mall. This gives me something to strive towards.
Last Argument of Kings is the third book in the First Law Trilogy and continues the story of some familiar characters, while introducing some new ones too.
The Cover: As far as Joe’s covers go, this is one of the better ones. I do feel it is a little plain and could have been so much better, but at least it conveys the tone of the story and I get a feel for the genre.
The Good Stuff: In true Abercrombie style, the tale is tough and gritty. It gives glimpses into the true nature of human beings through a variety of interesting characters. In this book we get to see a lot more of Logen Nine fingers and his darker side – ‘The Bloody Nine’. I loved every minute of this book. Once again Abercrombie has come to the party. No, actually he has brought the party to your house, along with an entourage of characters that are beautiful and yet so individually ugly, you’ll love and hate them all at the same time. And they’re going to turn your place upside down before they leave. If you haven’t read any of Joe Abercrombie’s work yet, I have one question for you – what are you waiting for?
The Bad Stuff: Come on, it’s Joe! Okay, if I have to say something it is that the ending does not bring the story to an close. It leaves it open and keeps you yearning for more. Damn it.
This one is definitely worth 5 out of 5 golden bookmarks.
Want to know if you agree with my review? Grab your own copy from these links:
You are probably well aware that there is more to writing than just writing. Any writer worth their salt will read, not just for the love of it, but to hone their skills. Then there is the research for our stories, the blogging to keep our audience engaged, the management of the financial side of writing, the updating of keywords to help people find our books, and everything else that goes with being a writer.
Personally, I have spent a bit of time over the last month or 2 trying to source some new reviewers interested in a free review copy of my book. This is a time-consuming process, but it pays to do a little research to find legitimate reviewers that like to read in the review book’s genre. After all, there’s no point sending a fantasy novel to someone who only reads non-fiction titles, as they are not likely to enjoy it. It also helps identify reviewers whose style I like, potentially providing a quality review or some good constructive feedback on my writing.
There have also been some changes to amazon lately. This has seen a drop in sales for a substantial amount of authors on the platform. It prompted me to check and update my blurbs and my keywords across all my sales channels. A good thing too, because when I checked my book blurbs on Draft 2 Digital, I noticed that I only had 1 category selected for some of my books (when I can choose up to 3 categories). Categories help place my book so it can be found in relevant searches (for instance I could put a book into Fantasy/Dark Fantasy and Fiction/General fantasy). This is strange as I know that I selected 3 categories originally, but things change, systems are updated and sometimes things drop off or become obsolete. So, I guess it is a reminder to me (and any other author out there) to do regular maintenance checks on the books uploaded.
As far as actual writing goes, I started out writing as a ‘Pantser’ – someone who just sits down and writes and sees where the story takes them. The more I write though, the more I move towards becoming a ‘Plotter’. It gets harder for me to ‘pants’ the further into a story I get; I tend to have the need to go back and read over things before moving forwards. This wastes time, and when I only have an hour or 2 to write, it can have a big impact on how much writing I actually get done. I have found that if I complete an outline it gives me a direction to follow, and it helps me stay on track (without referring back to previous writing so much). It also doesn’t hinder my ‘Pantser’ creativity. In light of this, I have just gone and dug up a half completed story that I put aside a while ago. I have had a look at all the scenes and filled in some descriptions so I can create a detailed scene list. This is a step further than my outlining process, and I’m going to see how it pans out for me. I’m hoping that it will give me both the motivation and the direction to finish this piece.
On another note, and call me crazy if you will, but I have just signed up as a volunteer English tutor, and I have taken on a double diploma – all while I continue to look for a new job. So, let’s see how I manage with the extra work I have committed myself to. It should keep my busy for a while.
A writer friend of mine here in Australia recently moved back to the USA. Having lived here for some years he had years of possessions to get rid of before the move. Amongst these possessions was a stash of books. So naturally, when he put the call out for anyone interested in buying any of them at a discount, I put my hand up. Now I was only expecting to come away with a few books of interest, but wow, what a collection. I came away with 12 books on the craft of writing (and I even left a handful of others as I am limited on shelf space at home). Thankfully someone got in and bought his whole collection of fantasy/sci-fi novels before I got there, or I would have been in a real fix.
So, what did I get? Here is the list:
Fondling Your Muse
How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy
Scene and Structure
Characters and Viewpoint
Worlds of Wonder
Creating Characters: How to Build Story People
Writing Fantasy and Science Fiction
Make a Scene
Eyes Like Butterflies
The Forest for the Trees
The Complete Guide to Writing Fantasy
The Writers Complete Fantasy Reference
What a haul!
I have started reading a reviewing these books already, it will take me a while to get through them, but I plan to get to them all in coming months. If you’ve read any of them and care to comment, please do so below, it may sway my reading order.
The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson continues the story of Vin and Elend in the aftermath of the Lord Rulers fall.
The Cover: A nice cover that matches the others in the series. Nice artwork that shows you the genre of the content inside.
The Good Stuff: I really enjoyed this book. It continues seamlessly from book one with all the much loved characters and a full introduction to the Koloss, who were only breezed over in book one. The complexity of the plot seems to get deeper and deeper, with multiple sub-plots taking you through a maze of story questions that keep you reading. I would say this series was well mapped out before the first book was ever written, and what a great job Brandon Sanderson has done.
The Bad Stuff: The only criticism I have of this story is that the explanation of the magic system was repetitive and overdone. Aside from the fact that I knew about it from the previous book, it seemed too explained more than required in this novel.
Overall, this is another great fantasy novel that has hooked me into reading the 3rd novel in the series, which I’m sure will not disappoint. I’m giving this an allomantic, page pushing 5 out of 5 golden bookmarks.
Want to know if you agree with my review? Grab your own copy from these links:
The Cloud is a fantasy graphic novel about a boy and his wolf who go on a journey to find the boy’s father and return a wish that was stolen from him.
The Cover: This is a beautiful cover that clearly defines the fantasy elements of the story, however it does not convey that the book is a graphic novel. This is fine if it is housed on the bookshelves under graphic novels, but my suggestion to the author would be to add some subtext to make it clear. Something along the lines of ‘A fantasy graphic novel that will take you on a beautifully illustrated adventure.’
The Good Stuff: There is an interesting tale here set in an interesting world and it is beautifully illustrated. The layout and quality of the artwork is done to a professional standard, and it certainly looks like a graphic novel should do.
The Bad Stuff: While the tale is interesting and the artwork is visual feast for your eyes, by all accounts the story seems to be a little hard to follow. If you are a die-hard graphic novelist/comic reader, you may not be fazed by this, but for me, well… the artwork made it well worth a read.
Overall, if you are a lover of good art you will enjoy this book, but if you are after a smooth flowing, easy to understand story this may leave you a little unsatisfied. I’m giving this one an eye opening, mind marvelling 3 out of 5 golden bookmarks.
Want to know if you agree with my review? Grab your own copy from these links:
The Writer’s Complete Fantasy Reference: An Indispensable Compendium of Myth and Magic from the editors of Writer’s Digest Books
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
The Writers Complete Fantasy Reference is a non-fiction title for writers. It covers aspects of the genre that will help the writer to create a believable fantasy world.
The Cover: This is a beautiful cover and screams fantasy, however if it were not for the title and other elements on the cover, I would not have picked it as a non-fiction book. The cover designer made good choices with these additional elements to consolidate the genres.
The Good Stuff: This book is packed with useful information for a fantasy writer. Ever wondered what the parts of a castle are? Look no further. Need to know what weapons were around in the middle ages? This is the book for you. What did peasants wear? It’s all in this book.
The Bad Stuff: It is only a non-fiction title and with such a great cover, I wanted more. The book is informative, but a lot of the details are common knowledge. Did I really need this book? Probably not. Will I ever refer to it? Probably, now I know what’s between the covers it will be easy to refer to if I need more details. It could even be used for some inspiration.
Overall, this is a good reference guide. It covers different cultures across our evolution and will certainly make you think a little more about things when you are writing your next fantasy novel. I appreciate the content, but reading a reference guide is a little boring for me, better suited as a reference, but it’s kind of a catch 22, without knowing the content how do you know what to refer to? I think there is value in this title and it certainly reminded me of the deeper level of thought required when planning your novels. For that reason I’m ranking this one 3 out of 5 golden bookmarks.
Want to know if you agree with my review? Grab your own copy from these links:
Allan Walsh writes Fantasy and Horror. If you’re looking for something new to read in these genres, why not check out his bookshere.You can also find his titles available in libraries.
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The Blade Itself is a fantasy novel about … well, a host of characters and the parts they play in this tale of feuds, conspiracies, and wars. Set in a vicious world with well-established cultures and classes, magic and science, superstitions and beliefs.
The Cover: I do get the feeling that this is a fantasy novel. The blood splatter suggests there will be some violence. It’s quite plain and doesn’t really grab me.
The good stuff: This book has a full cast of characters from Logen Ninefingers, Bayaz and Jezal Dan Luthar, to Major Collem West, Sand dan Glokta, and Ferro. Their paths woven seamlessly into the story in a world where life is neither fun nor fair. The characters own their individual personalities, their individual traits and their individual problems, while war broods all around. Abercrombie weaves a tale of respected men who lie and scheme, barbarians who have honour and respect and strong women who kick some serious arse.
The Bad Stuff: The only bad thing about this book is it comes to an end and leaves you wanting more.
In my opinion, this is a superbly written fantasy novel with a mix of aristocratic society and down-in-the-gutter, bang-to-rights hard men. This action packed novel packs a punch and deserves a place on the shelf of any true fantasy fan. I’m giving it 5 out of 5 golden bookmarks.
Want to know if you agree with my review? Grab your own copy from these links:
Allan Walsh writes Fantasy and Horror. If you’re looking for something new to read in these genres, why not check out his bookshere.You can also find his titles available in libraries.
If you liked this post please share it on social media.
I thought I would write a quick post to remind you all that my stories (both print versions and e-books) are available in libraries. I know that here in Australia they are available in The National Library, The State Library of Queensland, Brisbane City Libraries and Logan City Libraries. It is very possible they are also available in others. You can even check online to see if they have a copy and if not you can request that they order one in, all from the comfort of your own home.
Our libraries only remain open if we use them, so why not help your local library and loan a book today. You never know… you may just enjoy it!
Allan Walsh writes Fantasy and Horror. If you’re looking for something new to read in these genres, why not check out his bookshere.You can also find his titles available in some libraries.
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I’m still exploring the suburb I’ve recently moved to and I thought I would share this photo of one of the local pubs. It is called ‘Archive’.
The really awesome thing about this place is – the bar is made of books. How cool s that!
Allan Walsh writes Fantasy and Horror. If you’re looking for something new to read in these genres, why not check out his bookshere. You can also find his titles available in some libraries.
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