Book Review – Zen of eBook Marketing by Guido Henkel.

Zen of eBook MarketingZen of eBook Marketing by Guido Henkel

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Zen of eBook Marketing is written for writers who want to know how to market their eBooks. Written by author and programmer, Guido Henkel, this is the second book in his Zen series and provides a general overview on marketing ebooks.

The Cover: I’d say that this is a simple, clean cover that aligns with the genre of non-fiction and gives clarity about the topic covered within its content.

The Good Stuff: This book gives a wide range of methods and provides a good deal of content around the differences in the social media available. There is a wealth of information between the pages and I certainly learnt a few things from reading the content. This would be an ideal book for someone starting out and will more than likely provide something new to the authors already well on their way to marketing their books. As with Zen of ebook formatting, this book is easy to read and understand and has some valuable tips inside.

The Bad Stuff: This book will give you a general overview of marketing techniques and the Social media available to market your books through, however it does not provide a detailed breakdown of how. If you are a seasoned writer that has been selling your books online, you will know most of the information within this book already.

Overall, this is another great addition to the toolbox of Indie writers. It will give you a better understanding and good insights on how to market your books. This one is worthy of receiving a neon light, flashing 4 out of 5 golden bookmarks.


Allan Walsh writes Fantasy and Horror. If you’re looking for something new to read in these genres, why not check out his books here. You can also find his titles available in libraries.

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