Book Review – Become a Successful Indie Author by Craig Martelle.

Become a Successful Indie Author by Craig Martelle is a non-fiction motivational guide for Indie Authors.

The Cover: There are two covers I’ve seen for this book. The first cover is bright and stands out. It typically represents a business focused non-fiction title, but the image is a fairly good representation of the content inside. Personally, I don’t love the colour choices, but the cover seems to work for this book. The second (and the cover on my copy) is more tailored to authors, the colours are more neutral, the font clean and clear, and the title wraps up what to expect within. I much prefer this cover, I just find it easier on my eyes.

The Good Stuff: I actually really enjoyed this book. I found the content to be very informative for new authors, it is also very motivational and inspiring. Not only that, it is a very down to earth, no-bullshit, kind of book, written in plain language. That is always a bonus in my mind.  

The Bad Stuff: I don’t believe there was any bad stuff really. The large majority of the content applies to anyone who embarks on the course of Indie Authorship, however, this book is aimed at an American audience. It has content specific to that region, but that is the target audience, so I guess I can’t knock it for that. I would just say to those outside the U.S. who read it, be aware of this and research what is required for you in your country. A specific example of this is the section on setting yourself up with an EIN and/or an LLC. These refer to an Employer Identification Number and a Limited Liability Company. The Australian equivalent would probably be a Tax File Number and a Trust.

Overall, I found this an easy and enjoyable read. It was informative and inspiring. I’m going to give this title a positively influenced 4 out of 5 golden bookmarks.

Allan Walsh writes Fantasy and Horror. If you’re looking for something new to read in these genres, why not check out his books here. You can also find his titles available in libraries.

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Book Review – Structuring Your Novel by K.M. Weiland

Structuring Your Novel: Essential Keys for Writing an Outstanding Story

Structuring Your Novel: Essential Keys for Writing an Outstanding Story by K.M. Weiland

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Structuring Your Novel: Essential Keys for Writing an Outstanding Story, as indicated by its title, is a book for writers who want to learn about novel structure.

The Cover: This has a strong non-fiction cover. The clear font, title, artwork and colouring clearly show what the book is about and who the target audience is.

The Good Stuff: If you want to learn more about story structure, this is the book for you. I was familiar with the content, but it served as a refresher for me. It is written in plain language and explains the key components around structure. I was actually surprized by the amount of content in this book and I recommend it if structure is something you wish to improve on.

The Bad Stuff: There really isn’t anything I found that was bad about this book. The experienced writer will probably know the information within the pages, but this is inevitable really. Any writer who practices long enough will eventually learn most of the knowledge and techniques that are available.

Overall, Structuring Your Novel: Essential Keys for Writing an Outstanding Story is well written, easy to read and takes a very comprehensive look the elements of structure. I am giving this one 5 out of 5 golden bookmarks.

Want to know if you agree with my review? Grab your own copy from these links:

Allan Walsh writes Fantasy and Horror. If you’re looking for something new to read in these genres, why not check out his books here. You can also find his titles available in libraries.

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Trio Mockup

Love Fantasy and Horror? So Who is Your Favourite Author?

Hello Readers,

It’s no secret that my favourite fantasy author is Joe Abercrombie. I’ve said it before and no doubt I will say it again. I just love his writing style, the way he crafts his characters, the way he plots, do I need to go on? I could but I will save you from my ravings. The point is I thought I would throw the question out to you and see what comes back. So, here it is. Who is your favourite fantasy or horror author? You can let me know in the comments below.

Happy Reading!

Do You Like to Read? Then Check This Out.

brown and black wooden docor
Photo by Bryan Schneider on

Hello Readers,

For those of you who love to read (which I’d say is most, if not all, of you who are reading this), there are plenty of books out there that the authors want you to pick up for free. Amazon, Kobo, Apple, etc… they all have them. Just search on ‘Free’ on you should find a heap. But there are other places too that you might not be so familiar with.

There are arguments in the writing world both for and against free books. Some feel that authors should not be giving away the work they have laboured over. Others feel that providing free books helps an author to be discovered and build a fanbase that will go on to purchase backlist and future books. I can see both sides of the argument and I am not here to judge. I think it should be the author’s decision whether or not they make their books free. Personally, I don’t mind giving away some freebies to help readers discover my writing, nor do I mind receiving them in the search for new authors for me to discover. As a reader myself, if I have obtained a free book and enjoyed it, I feel I should pay back the author by rating their book and/or providing a review. But, once again this is a personal choice.

So today I’m going to share a few links with you that are home to free books.

Bookworms Discover provides free books from Indie authors on the 1st Thursday of each month. You can find them at

Goodreads has regular book giveaways you can enter and a draw determines if you win a copy or not. You can find them at

Prolific Works (previously known as Instafreebie) is a platform that provides exclusive access to sneak peeks, advance previews, and special giveaways. You can find them at

Freebooksy is another site that provides free books, you can find them at

These are not affiliate links; I do not receive any kickbacks if you visit these sites from the links provided. I just wanted to share the details of a few of the sites that I have used in case you find them useful, and in the hope it helps other great authors get discovered. And if you haven’t done so already, you can even pick up freebies from the home page on this site.

How about you? Do you know any good sites for Free Books? I’d love to hear of them if you do, especially if they are specific to the fantasy genre. Feel free to let me know in the comments.

Happy Reading!

Allan Walsh writes Fantasy and Horror. If you’re looking for something new to read in these genres, why not check out his books here.

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Time for a Quick Update.

Hello Readers,

We are now at the end of January and I thought it was timely to give you a quick update on my goal progress. As you will probably guess, I have been keeping myself busy. I still haven’t secured a new job, but I’m hopeful something will come up soon. I guess it has given me time to focus on my double diploma. I’m now well into unit 2 and boy is it a lot of work, but I am enjoying it.

I have managed to get some writing done, but not enough to be proud of. I estimate I’ve hit about 2000 words since the start of January and that’s across 2 stories I’m writing, so no real dent in anything there.  I have managed to read 3 books out of my 12 book target though, which has really surprised me.

My newsletter following is also growing and has increased from 350 to 412, so it looks like I’m on track to get to 600 sooner than anticipated. If I keep going at this rate I will have to re-evaluate and increase my goal here.

I’m yet to receive an English student through my volunteer tutoring, I was expecting to get someone assigned to me this month, but it hasn’t happened. I think I will hear something on this soon though.

As for increasing my reviews, this is probably my most ambitious target as I’m looking at an additional 8 reviews on each of my books. It may not sound much, but with 8 titles it comes in at 64 reviews and they are not easy to come by. So if you have enjoyed one of my stories and not yet left a review, you would make me very happy if you did so. Not only would it help me move towards achieving this goal, it would also help me as an author by providing the ‘Social proof’ new readers often look for on my writing.

That’s about it for my goals so far. So what about you? How are your goals coming along?

Allan Walsh writes Fantasy and Horror. If you’re looking for something new to read in these genres, why not check out his books here.

The things you stumble upon in Brisbane City.

I am a fantasy/horror writer and do not usually stray from these genres when I read. I still appreciate authors in other genres though, and when I went for a stroll around Brisbane city today and stumbled across this.


A Matthew Riley book signing. The queue was at least 500 meters long and wound its way down the mall. This gives me something to strive towards.

The Continuous Balancing Act of Writing.


Picture of a typewriter
Picture by Thor

Hello Readers,

It’s time for another quick update.

You are probably well aware that there is more to writing than just writing. Any writer worth their salt will read, not just for the love of it, but to hone their skills. Then there is the research for our stories, the blogging to keep our audience engaged, the management of the financial side of writing, the updating of keywords to help people find our books, and everything else that goes with being a writer.

Personally, I have spent a bit of time over the last month or 2 trying to source some new reviewers interested in a free review copy of my book. This is a time-consuming process, but it pays to do a little research to find legitimate reviewers that like to read in the review book’s genre. After all, there’s no point sending a fantasy novel to someone who only reads non-fiction titles, as they are not likely to enjoy it. It also helps identify reviewers whose style I like, potentially providing a quality review or some good constructive feedback on my writing.

There have also been some changes to amazon lately. This has seen a drop in sales for a substantial amount of authors on the platform. It prompted me to check and update my blurbs and my keywords across all my sales channels. A good thing too, because when I checked my book blurbs on Draft 2 Digital, I noticed that I only had 1 category selected for some of my books (when I can choose up to 3 categories). Categories help place my book so it can be found in relevant searches (for instance I could put a book into Fantasy/Dark Fantasy and Fiction/General fantasy). This is strange as I know that I selected 3 categories originally, but things change, systems are updated and sometimes things drop off or become obsolete. So, I guess it is a reminder to me (and any other author out there) to do regular maintenance checks on the books uploaded.

As far as actual writing goes, I started out writing as a ‘Pantser’ – someone who just sits down and writes and sees where the story takes them. The more I write though, the more I move towards becoming a ‘Plotter’. It gets harder for me to ‘pants’ the further into a story I get; I tend to have the need to go back and read over things before moving forwards. This wastes time, and when I only have an hour or 2 to write, it can have a big impact on how much writing I actually get done. I have found that if I complete an outline it gives me a direction to follow, and it helps me stay on track (without referring back to previous writing so much). It also doesn’t hinder my ‘Pantser’ creativity. In light of this, I have just gone and dug up a half completed story that I put aside a while ago. I have had a look at all the scenes and filled in some descriptions so I can create a detailed scene list. This is a step further than my outlining process, and I’m going to see how it pans out for me. I’m hoping that it will give me both the motivation and the direction to finish this piece.

On another note, and call me crazy if you will, but I have just signed up as a volunteer English tutor, and I have taken on a double diploma – all while I continue to look for a new job. So, let’s see how I manage with the extra work I have committed myself to. It should keep my busy for a while.

Happy Reading!

What Is It With Cats?

Hello Readers,

No reading or writing to talk about today, so I thought I’d do a quick fun post to introduce the extended family, Oscar and Morty. These are my cats and they think they own the place and that I am only here to serve them. This is Oscar, and he doesn’t like it when I try to write so he tries to distract me.



And below is Morty (Short for Voldermort), AKA Fatty, AKA Fat Cat. He is both the naughty one and the dopiest of the two. Every time I get up, he is under my feet, zig-zagging in front of me, trying to steer me to his food bowl so I will feed him again.


Here they are chilling out together on the couch.


And finally, here is Oscar taking a nap on ‘his’ bed.

Cat on bed

Happy reading.


Have You Tried to Loan a Book this week?

Picture of the local library
My Local Library – West End.

Hello Readers,

I thought I would write a quick post to remind you all that my stories (both print versions and e-books) are available in libraries. I know that here in Australia they are available in The National Library, The State Library of Queensland, Brisbane City Libraries and Logan City Libraries. It is very possible they are also available in others. You can even check online to see if they have a copy and if not you can request that they order one in, all from the comfort of your own home.

Our libraries only remain open if we use them, so why not help your local library and loan a book today. You never know… you may just enjoy it!

Allan Walsh writes Fantasy and Horror. If you’re looking for something new to read in these genres, why not check out his books here. You can also find his titles available in some libraries.

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One for the Book Lovers

Hello Readers,

I’m still exploring the suburb I’ve recently moved to and I thought I would share this photo of one of the local pubs. It is called ‘Archive’.


The really awesome thing about this place is – the bar is made of books. How cool s that!

Allan Walsh writes Fantasy and Horror. If you’re looking for something new to read in these genres, why not check out his books here. You can also find his titles available in some libraries. 

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