Hello Readers,
Happy New Year! Wow, another year is behind us. Doesn’t time seem to have travelled so fast when you look back on it and yet the end of 2019 seems so far away right now. No doubt that when we look back on this new year it will have flown by too.
My 2018 has been busy, but it was not as productive as I would have liked on the writing front. While I have added to a few novels I have been working on, I only finished 1 non-fiction title and a new short story. I haven’t published the short as I want to put into an anthology of tales I’ve written. This year I think I’ll sit down and plan out a schedule to complete the goals I want to achieve by the end of next year.
So, let’s have a look at some of the events and things I achieved over 2018:
- I read 20 books this year
- I reviewed 14 books
- I visited Tasmania for the Dark Mofo Art festival
- I wrote and published a non-fiction title
- I wrote a short story
- I attended 2 monthly writers groups (although I didn’t manage to make every month for both groups)
- I signed up and completed a course for authors
- I have created a new website with my own domain name
- I automated my mailing list sign up process
- I’ve tried my hand at advertising my books and while I have not had a great deal of success, I have learnt some valuable insights
- I created an author page on D2D
- I signed up to Kobo
- I moved house
- I got made redundant
- I updated my resume and commenced job hunting
- I have started a double diploma
And there you have it. It’s not an extensive list, but more than enough to give you a feel for what I’ve been up to. I hope I can make 2019 a more productive year. I feel I have set some strong foundations over 2018 and once I have my schedule planned out it will keep me on track for a great year to be. I wish you all the very best for your 2019 and hope it is your best year ever, whatever your goals and dreams are.
Happy Reading.