Merry Christmas!

Photo by Matty Cooper on

Hello Readers,

I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. I hope Santa brought you lots of good books to read and that you can enjoy a bit of a break from work, spending some quality time with friends and family (and reading those books you got from the big man with the white beard).

Eat, drink, and be merry!


Cover Reveal: Ripples Through Murky Water

Hello Readers,

I’m excited and very pleased to tell you that I have another new release ready to be published. As always a new release deserves a cover reveal. So, in the spirit of Christmas, here’s an early present, a glimpse of the cover for Ripples Through Murky Water

I’ll post again soon to let you all know when the book has been released.

Happy Reading


Brisbane, Australia.

New Release: The Cold and the Dead

Hello Readers,

I now have another short story release fresh of the e-press. ‘The Cold and the Dead’ is now available. You’ll find all the links below the blurb. And don’t forget the anthology, which will include this short story, will be coming out in the not too distant future.


Macey wants to forge her own path in life and make a name for herself, but it can be tough living in the wild country. Seems like everything wants to kill you out there.

The Cold and the Dead is a short horror story with a setting akin to the western frontier. If you like grim-dark adventure, skin-crawling horror, and hard-knock characters, you’ll love The Cold and the Dead.


If you don’t want to wait for the anthology, you can get a copy of ‘The Cold and the Dead’ at the following retailers:

I hope you enjoy the story, I’m quite pleased with the way it has turned out. Please let me know what you think and feel free to share this post with any of your friends or family who might enjoy a short horror story.

Thank you so much for your support.

Happy Reading,


Cover Reveal: The Cold and the Dead

Hello Readers,

It is always an exciting time for me when I have a new release on the horizon, and it is no different as the release date for The Cold and the Dead draws nearer. And what is a new release without a cover reveal? Well, it’s just not as much fun is it. So with that in mind I’m super excited to share the cover with you. And here it is…

As always, I’ll post again soon to let you all know when the book has been released.

Happy Reading


Brisbane, Australia.

Introducing: The Cold and the Dead

Hello Readers,

There’s more exciting news for you with my next new release on the horizon. I’m pleased to let you know that The Cold and the Dead is scheduled to be released at the end of this month. In case you’re wondering, yes, I am still planning to release a collection of my short stories in an anthology over coming months, and yes, the anthology will include this story, plus many more.

Anyway, to whet your appetite for The Cold and the Dead, I’ll be revealing the cover in the near future. This one is a short horror/grimdark tale, so if it sounds like something you’d be interested in, keep an eye out for the cover reveal post.

Happy Reading


Brisbane, Australia.

New Release: Shades of Hades

Hello Readers,

Well it is finally here! My new short story ‘Shades of Hades’ is now available. You’ll find all the links below the blurb. And don’t forget the anthology, which will include this short story, will be coming out in the not too distant future.


It can be tough ruling the underworld. Hades is cold and has a headache, but nobody seems to care, least of all the dead. When he decides to move to a warmer climate, the other gods aren’t pleased.

Will Hades find somewhere warm to call home? Or is he destined to a life of misery?

Shades of Hades is a short satirical fantasy about the gods. If you like fun filled fantasy, comical capers, and tales of ancient gods, you’ll love Shades of Hades.


If you don’t want to wait for the anthology, you can get a copy of Shades of Hades at the following retailers:

I hope you enjoy the story. I certainly had fun writing it. Please let me know what you think and feel free to share this post with any of your friends or family who might enjoy a good, comical short fantasy.

Thank you so much for your support.

Happy Reading,


Cover Reveal: Shades of Hades

Hello Readers,

It is an exciting time for me as the release date for Shades of Hades draws nearer. With that in mind, and as promised, I’m delighted to share the cover with you. And here it is…

I’ll keep you posted on any further developments and will let you all know when the book is released.

Happy Reading


Brisbane, Australia.

Introducing ‘Shades of Hades’

Hello Readers,

I’ve got more exciting news for you. I’m happy to let you know that I’m very close to releasing my next short story. This one is called Shades of Hades and it’s scheduled to be released soon. I’m still planning to release a collection of my short stories in an anthology over coming months and the anthology will include this story, plus many more.

To whet your appetite for Shades of Hades, I’ll be doing a cover reveal in coming weeks. So keep an eye out for that post the near future.

Happy Reading


Brisbane, Australia.

New Release: Little Monster

Hello Readers,

Well it is finally here! The new short story, Little Monster, is now available. You’ll find all the links you could possibly need below the blurb. And don’t forget the anthology, which will include this short story, will be coming out in the not too distant future.


Could you take the supernatural seriously if your soul depended on it?

Jordan collects monster figures for inspiration. He doesn’t believe in the paranormal and all that rubbish, after all, it’s a load of nonsense… isn’t it?

Little Monster is a short horror story. If you like creepy tales, spine-tingling horror, and dark mythical monsters, you’ll love Little Monster by Allan Walsh.


If you don’t want to wait for the anthology, you can get a copy of Little Monster at the following retailers:


Other Stores

I hope you love the story. I certainly enjoyed writing it. Please let me know what you think and feel free to forward this email to any friends or family who might enjoy a good short horror story.

Thank you so much for your support.

Happy Reading,


Cover Reveal: Little Monster

Hello Readers,

It is an exciting time for me as the release date for Little Monster draws nearer. With that in mind, and as promised, I’m delighted to share the cover with you. And here it is…

I’ll keep you posted on any further developments and will let you all know when the book is released.

Happy Reading Allan

Allan Walsh writes Fantasy and Horror. If you’re looking for something new to read in these genres, why not check out his books here. You can also find his titles available in libraries.

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