Well, another year has passed by and what do I have to show for it? To be honest, as far as my writing goes, not a lot. I can’t recall doing any writing in 2024. I’m sure I did a little bit on some works in progress, but it was so long ago, I can’t remember how much or on what. I did manage to read 4 books through the year and I also got half way through a re-read of Half a War by Joe Abercombie. Pretty poor, I know. You can read all my reviews under my Author page on Goodreads.
I’m setting a target of 6 books for 2025, which is manageable for me while also working full time, and doing the other things I enjoy, like playing badminton and travelling. I’m hopeful I will also get some writing done in 2025. I plan to work on my works in progress and have also been looking at extending my short story and novella in the Blood Rage series to turn it into a trilogy of novels. I’m just not sure how much I will get through and what will take priority at this time. That’s something I need to sit down and work out, but I think I will most likely try to finish the WIP projects, before rewriting other work.
Here is a quick post to tell you that I just got back from a trip to Canada, and ‘Wow’, what a great country! The people are friendly, the scenery is beautiful, and they have some great beer.
It has become a bit of a thing for me now to visit libraries wherever I go and grab some photos. So here are a few pictures of the Grande Biblioteque in Montreal and the Vancouver Public Library, Vancouver that I took on my phone:
This is outside the Grande Biblioteque, MontrealThis is inside the Grande Biblioteque, Montreal.Inside the Grande Biblioteque, Montreal.
The Grande Biblioteque is massive, and I love that they have a big collection of graphic novels.
This is outside the Vancouver Public Library (VPL).Inside the VPL
The VPL has a staggering 9 floors, it is huge. They even have a few sound-proof music studios in the library with an electronic drum kit, recording equipment, and related software.
I also have some photos of a modern library in a church, and an old colonial English library in a former prison found in Quebec. But, these are on my camera and I need to transfer them and convert them to JPEG files, so I will save those for another time.
Happy Reading!
Allan Walsh writes Fantasy and Horror. If you’re looking for something new to read in these genres, why not check out his books here.
I originally completed this post in March 2020 and it has turned out to be one of my most popular blog posts. At the time I made the list below I had not read all the authors, I still haven’t read them all, but I have been able to get through a few more. So, I thought I would update the original post to include them.
Here it is, the original post, updated to include the additional authors on the list that I have now had the pleasure to read (and a few additional details).
I know I harp on about Joe Abercrombie (JA) being my favourite author, and that’s because he is, but I have been trying to find some new favourite authors to add to the list. So, I put a call out through some of my groups on social media to find similar authors to JA, and this is what my contacts came back with:-
Anthony Ryan
Luke Scull
Daniel Polansky
Mark Lawrence
Scott Lynch
Brian McClellan
Richard Kadrey
Charlie Huston
Peter Newman
Ed McDonald
Steven Erikson
Jonathon French
Brian Staveley
Michael R Fletcher
Richard Morgan
Anna Smith Spark
Stephen Donaldson
A Z Anthony
Glen Cook
Jay Kristoff
I haven’t read all these authors yet, but I have added them to my list of authors to try. Of those I have checked out, I offer my opinions below:
Anthony Ryan – I love this author and have added him to my favourites. I read his novel ‘Blood Song’ and while I don’t get a JA vibe from his work, I really enjoyed the book. Anthony has his own style and tells a great story. I highly recommend checking him out.
Update: I have now read ‘The Waking Fire’. This is another great story with some interesting characters in an unforgiving world. I did enjoy this book, though my personal preference is for ‘Blood Song’.
Luke Scull – This is another great author that I have added to my list of favourites. I read his ‘Grim Company’ novel and I found his world and characters to be very similar to JA. In fact I constantly found myself thinking this guy is so like 9 fingers, or I love these Northmen. Luke does have a style of his own and tells a unique story that is interesting and pulled me through the book. I highly recommend giving him a go.
Daniel Polansky – I read the novel ‘She Who Waits’ by this author. I can’t say that I see any resemblance to JA other than the world is really gritty. I didn’t love this author, I enjoyed the book enough to finish it, but I doubt I will read anymore of his work. The world was not quite what I expected or wanted and it threw me off a little right from the start. If you like Grimdark that isn’t your typical medieval world, don’t discount this author. His style is sound, his characters are well rounded, and his writing is solid, his world just wasn’t what I was looking for and I don’t particularly like 1st person POV. If however you are chasing an author similar to JA, I’d give this one a miss.
Mark Lawrence – When I saw a copy of ‘Grey Sister’ at a local bookstore and grabbed it. I must say, I really enjoyed this book. The story is good, I liked the characters, and while the author’s style is different to J.A. it is still a good writing style. I do wish I had started with the first book in the series, but it didn’t stop me enjoying this title. There is plenty of magic, action, blood, and gore. What more could I ask for?
Scott Lynch –Scott was on my list for a long time having been recommended to me by a friend long before I put this list together. I picked up a copy of ‘The Lies of Loche Lamora’ with high expectations. I enjoyed the story, it had a solid plot with great characters, and a suitably gritty world. However, I was a little disappointed. It was too slow to get started for me and I didn’t love the author’s style. While I do think he is a sound fantasy author, he is no J.A. in my opinion.
Brian McClellan – I read ‘Wrath of Empire’ from this author, and I loved it so much that I have also added Brian to my list of favourite authors. I didn’t draw any similarities between his work and JA’s. Brian has his own style, a great world, great characters, and a good storyline. I thoroughly enjoyed his work and would definitely recommend him, just don’t expect his work to remind you of JA.
Richard Kadrey – I didn’t actually read this authors work, I picked up one of his books and read the first few pages. It didn’t grab me because it seemed to be more of a western world and I was after good old medieval fantasy. So, I can’t really make any comparisons to JA for this author, nor recommend/criticise his work.
Peter Newman – I tried to read ‘The Vagrant’ by this author and it’s the one book on my DNF list. I didn’t like the author’s style or the world the story was set in. I certainly wouldn’t compare this author to JA. I do not recommend reading this authors work if you’re looking for something similar to JA. I’m not saying don’t give him a try, I’m just saying this author isn’t for me and I can’t see any similarity to JA’s work. I do know people who have read and enjoyed this author, so make your own mind up on this one.
Ed McDonald – My first encounter with Ed’s writing was through is novel ‘Blackwing’. This is some real dark shit and a true ‘Grimdark’ work in my opinion. I loved it! If you have read many of my book reviews, you will know that I don’t like first person POV. This book is written in first person POV and I still loved it. Ed’s writing style differs from Abercrombie’s, but he is a great writer in his own right. If you like the Grimdark genre, I strongly recommend this author.
Steven Erikson – I selected ‘Gardens of the Moon’, the first book in ‘The Malazan Book of the Fallen’ series. I have to say, I absolutely loved this book! The author’s style is more from the old school fantasy in my opinion, and does not compare to J.A. But, he has certainly got what it takes to satisfy my fantasy cravings. I would recommend this author any day of the week.
Well, I’m still working through the list myself and this is as far as I’ve gotten. I’m keen to give Mark Lawrence, Scott Lynch, Steve Erikson, Brian Staveley and Ed McDonald a go. So I’ll probably prioritise these above the others, but hopefully I will find a few more gems on this list that will be added to my favourite authors list.
Happy Reading!
Allan Walsh writes Fantasy and Horror. If you’re looking for something new to read in these genres, why not check out his books here.
I have recently returned from an overseas trip to South Korea. When I visit other countries, I usually try to get a picture or two of some interesting book-related places. So here are a few from my travels.
Outside of the Book Depository, Songpa District, South Korea Different angle shot of the outside of the Book Depository, Songpa District, South Korea Inside the Book Depository, Songpa District, South Korea.This is a bookstore in a shopping mall in South Korea (and it’s not my bad photography, faces have been blurred deliberately).And finally, this one is a library in a hotel in Seoul, South Korea, which has been used in some popular K-Dramas.
I hope you enjoyed this quick peek at some of the book-related places in South Korea.
Doesn’t time fly. Another year has passed and a new one has begun. I truly hope that the New Year brings you all happiness, good times, and great memories that you can look back on in the years that are yet to come.
I haven’t done a post that isn’t a book review for some time now, so I thought I would put one together for you. I had a little think about what I could do and came up with this idea, a post on some of the awesome libraries I have visited locally and across the world. So, here are a few of the photos I have taken while on my travels (and one photo I didn’t take).
This is the forest of Wisdom in South Korea:
This library is located in an area called Paju Book City and is close to the border of North Korea. This place is full of publishers and book related businesses. The library even has rooms you can book and stay at.
And a printing press museum:
This next one is Oodi Library in Helsinki. I didn’t have a decent photo of this library, so I grabbed this one by Seppo Palander, CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
This is the State Library of Victoria in Melbourne, Australia:
The State library of South Australia in Adelaide, Australia:
This one is Kurilpa Library in West End, Queensland Australia (My local library):
And to finish up, here are a couple of the communal libraries around my area:
It is no surprise to my regular followers when I say that my favourite author is Joe Abercrombie. If you follow my blog you will hear me mention him frequently. So, I must say that I am super excited about, and eagerly awaiting to read, the new trilogy he is working on ‘The Devils’. Unfortunately, it is not scheduled for publication until 2025, so we have a bit of a wait. If you haven’t heard/read about it, here is the blurb:
The Devils begins a series which fuses the best of fantasy with the most gripping elements of heist, spy and thriller fiction. In a magic-riddled Europe under constant threat of elf invasion, the ten year old Pope occasionally needs services that cannot be performed by the righteous. And so, sealed deep beneath the catacombs, cathedrals and relic stalls of the Sacred City lies the secret Chapel of the Holy Expediency. For its highly disposable congregation—including a self-serving magician, a self-satisfied vampire, an oversexed werewolf, and a knight cursed with immortality—there is no mission that cannot be turned into a calamitous bloodbath…
A must-read, this is accessible fantasy fiction with the addictive Abercrombie twist which has seen his novels hit bestseller lists around the world, delight millions of readers, and cemented his position as one of the leading fantasy writers of his generation.
Let’s hope he finishes it a little sooner than expected. Happy Reading!
Well it was a wild year last year, what with Covid still rearing its ugly head, war in the Ukraine, and some crazy weather events, such as the flooding here in Queensland, Australia. On a more personal note, I didn’t succeed in completing my goals for 2022. I only managed to read and review 5 books from my target of 12, I didn’t obtain any new reviews, and I didn’t manage to finish writing some of the stories I had hoped to.
To be honest I was a little slack over 2022. I had a lot of distractions. An X-Box managed to sneak into my life and I was sucked into the worlds of The Witcher, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age 4, and Skyrim. I completed all four games, but it took months of gameplay. It wasn’t one of my goals going into the year, but I’ll take it as an achievement anyway. There were also a few new TV series that came out, the likes of The Witcher: Blood Origin (binged), The Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power (binged), and Game of Thrones: House of the Dragon (yet to binge).
These are just some of the reasons (or excuses) why I didn’t reach my goals. I just hope I can be a bit more focused over 2023, try to pick up an extra review or two, and maybe get some actual writing done.
Exciting news! After many months of talking about it, I have finally released the much awaited anthology. ‘Ripples Through Murky Water’ is now available. This collection contains eight of my horror/fantasy stories and you’ll find all the links you need to get your copy, below the blurb.
Follow Corporal Jackson on a top-secret project where being kept in the dark might just kill him. See Macey as she gets a taste of the wild frontier while finding her place in the world. Check out Jordan and his collection of figures that would make anyone believe in monsters. Or how about watching Hades as he tries to shake off a headache and move out of the underworld.
Ripples Through Murky Water is a collection of eight short, dark and magical tales that will leave you hungry for more.
If you like chills down your spine, magical mayhem, or just a bit of a laugh, you’ll love Ripples Through Murky Water by Allan Walsh.
I know you’ve been waiting a long time for it, but it is finally available and you can grab a copy of ‘Ripples Through Murky Water’ at the following retailers: