I have recently returned from an overseas trip to South Korea. When I visit other countries, I usually try to get a picture or two of some interesting book-related places. So here are a few from my travels.
Outside of the Book Depository, Songpa District, South Korea Different angle shot of the outside of the Book Depository, Songpa District, South Korea Inside the Book Depository, Songpa District, South Korea.This is a bookstore in a shopping mall in South Korea (and it’s not my bad photography, faces have been blurred deliberately).And finally, this one is a library in a hotel in Seoul, South Korea, which has been used in some popular K-Dramas.
I hope you enjoyed this quick peek at some of the book-related places in South Korea.
Imperfect Magic by C.N. Rowan is an Urban Fantasy tale set in France, about ‘almost’ immortal wizards who have been trying to keep evil from taking over the world for centuries. They’ve been pretty successful, but when a powerful adversary turns up looking for vengeance, things start to go awry.
The Cover: I really don’t like this cover. However, it is a matter of personal taste. The cover suits the genre and aligns with so many other, similar YA Urban Fantasy covers, that I also don’t like. The white font is clear on the dark green background, and also fits the genre.
The Good Stuff: I actually really enjoyed this story. The characters are true to themselves, the plot is good, there’s some nice touches with the world-building having many real locations, and I really didn’t know who the antagonist was until it was revealed. There is a lot of humour in this story, and it is done so well. It starts from page one and is relentless, carrying through to the end of the book. While set in France, there are a few English sayings and things that are typical from my childhood in the UK, which I could really relate that made it hit some good chords with me.
The Bad Stuff: Another book written in first person POV! Why torment me with this style? I really don’t like first person POV. However, this one is done really well. I admit at the start of the book it pulled my out of the story a couple of times, but after that, I really didn’t notice it. That is a sign of good writing. I have already touched on the cover, so I won’t harp on that. There are a few English sayings and things that are typically from the UK, and some readers in places like the US, might not click with these. There are one or two clunky sentences and a typo here and there, but I find this in a lot of books and it is nothing too unusual. It certainly wasn’t enough to spoil the content of the book.
Overall, I would not have picked this book up if I had seen it on a bookshelf. The cover doesn’t call to me, saying ‘Read me, read me”. The book was gifted to me by my Aunty, and I am so pleased that she gave it to me. I really enjoyed this book, it has a great story, great characters, and it’s packed full of humour. I’m giving this one a body-swapping, ass-kicking, slime-covered, 4 out of 5 golden bookmarks (and that’s not an easy feat for a story in first person POV).
Allan Walsh writes Fantasy and Horror. If you’re looking for something new to read in these genres, why not check out his books here.