Blackwing by Ed McDonald is a story set in a wasteland, where war has been waged for lifetimes between magical beings who live longer than can be imagined. Humans are their pawns, used and discarded in a long-game plan, known only to them.
The Cover: I love this cover and it’ simplicity. The version I have has the image of a black raven on a greyish-white background. The title is in big, bold letters, contracted against the background, and uses an easy to read font. It stands out for all to see. The authors name and an accompanying quote from a review also seem to be black, but are in fact a purple foil that glistens when the light strikes at the right angle. Flecks of the same purple foil are scattered across the image of the raven. The cover fits the Grimdark/Fantasy genre well, and overall I think it is one of my favourite covers ever.
The Good Stuff: Wow! What a story. I loved it. The overall plot has a solid grounding in the genre, which is a good thing, especially when you don’t foresee the details of how that plot would unfold, and there were certainly twists I had not expected. The world is cruel, unforgiving, and gritty, with characters to match and an unfortunate love story thrown in for good measure. This is everything a Grimdark novel should be.
The Bad Stuff: Arghhh… Why did it have to written in first person POV! I hate first person POV. But once I got over the shock of it, I got sucked into the story big time. If you are like me and don’t like first person POV, don’t let that stop you from reading this. It is worth pushing through. Yeah, every now and then it will jump out at you, and you’ll shake your head and cuss, but then you’ll dive right back in and keep reading. What can I say…? It was part of a Grimdark experience for me, but I got over it.
Overall, I really enjoyed this book and I love the cover. I’m giving this one a mind-worming, Phos crackling 5 out of 5 golden bookmarks (and that’s with my hatred of first person POV).
Allan Walsh writes Fantasy and Horror. If you’re looking for something new to read in these genres, why not check out his books here.