Hello Readers,
Well it was a wild year last year, what with Covid still rearing its ugly head, war in the Ukraine, and some crazy weather events, such as the flooding here in Queensland, Australia. On a more personal note, I didn’t succeed in completing my goals for 2022. I only managed to read and review 5 books from my target of 12, I didn’t obtain any new reviews, and I didn’t manage to finish writing some of the stories I had hoped to.
To be honest I was a little slack over 2022. I had a lot of distractions. An X-Box managed to sneak into my life and I was sucked into the worlds of The Witcher, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age 4, and Skyrim. I completed all four games, but it took months of gameplay. It wasn’t one of my goals going into the year, but I’ll take it as an achievement anyway. There were also a few new TV series that came out, the likes of The Witcher: Blood Origin (binged), The Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power (binged), and Game of Thrones: House of the Dragon (yet to binge).
These are just some of the reasons (or excuses) why I didn’t reach my goals. I just hope I can be a bit more focused over 2023, try to pick up an extra review or two, and maybe get some actual writing done.
Happy Reading!