Half the World by Joe Abercrombie is the second book in the Shattered Sea series.
The Cover: The copy I read has a slightly different image from the one in this post. It has the same wave made of bladed weapons, but it is crashing down upon a vessel akin to a Viking longship. The title is a bold blue against a greyish sky, with white text against a green sea for the author name. The fonts are clear, but I’m not a huge fan of the title font, I feel there could have been a better choice. Having said that, it is a solid fantasy book cover and overall I like it.
The Good Stuff: Yes, yes, I know I say it all the time, but it’s true… Abercrombie is my favourite author, and I feel the Shattered Sea is my favourite series. It has a truly rugged fantasy feel and I love it. Combine this world, the great characters, and Abercrombie’s writing style, and you have everything you could want between the covers.
The Bad Stuff: If there is any, I couldn’t find it.
Overall, this is a great title from Joe Abercrombie. It has great characters, a strongly developed world, a good story, and great writing style. If you haven’t read it yet, treat yourself, it’s well worth it. This one gets an oar slapping, shield banging 5 out of 5 golden bookmarks from me.
Allan Walsh writes Fantasy and Horror. If you’re looking for something new to read in these genres, why not check out his books here. You can also find his titles available in libraries.
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