Hello Readers,
It’s been a while since I posted anything more than a quote or a book review, truth is I’ve been side-tracked. After being made redundant, I took a little break overseas, I’ve dived into a double diploma, and I have been searching for a new job. Fortunately, I think the break has done me good, I’ve made a bit of a dent in my diplomas, and I have just scored a new job. So, hopefully I will be able to get back into a routine of some sort now.
As far as my writing goes, I’ve got a few short stories waiting for me to publish them. I plan to wrap these up in an anthology together with my currently published short stories. I need to get the new stories edited and find a cover for the book first though.
I’m also trying to read more. More authors – trying to find another that hits the spot like my favourite one, but that’s a tough gig – and more books on the craft of writing. The most recent craft book I’ve read was on scene and structure and I’m about to get stuck into one on building characters. I hope these will help me improve my writing and give me the inspiration to get back into writing some of the novels I’ve put aside to stew.
So what have you been reading?
Hey Allan! Been seeing the photos and the trip looked great. Glad to hear things are going well and that you escaped that ‘institution’!
I recently finished Identity Crisis by Ben Elton. Fun read. Then, for a total change of pace, Children of Hurin by JRR Tolkien. Great story.
The trip was awesome, Aaron. It was great to get some time off and feels good to finally get away! I will have to add Children of Hurin to my reading list, but I’m trying to read some new authors so it might be a while before I get to it 🙂